Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Boundary Lines

Boundaries and divine guardrails.

The other day while photographing this beach scene, I knew that the pilings and ropes were placed at the edge of the pathway to protect the sawgrass and sand dunes from unnecessary erosion. To serve as a guardrail against foot traffic.

Likewise, the boundaries established by our heavenly Father are guardrails that help keep us safe. Yet many people feel that such perimeters stifle their freedom and limit them from having a joyful life. That kind of mindset is so far from who God truly is when it comes to protecting His children.
As a comparison, let's consider what Pastor Steven Furtick had to say in regard to the freedom a dog lover gives to his canine. The pet owner installs a fence around his backyard for two reasons: to bless Fido and to keep him safe. The owner can now let his beloved dog run free within the perimeter of the fence without worrying if he will run into the street and get hit by a car. That boundary keeps Fido safe even though he has no clue that the fence is there for his protection. He is just enjoying his romp in the backyard, unaware of what his master has done for him.

The same can be said for the parameters that God places on believers. Our heavenly Father sets boundaries to bless us and keep us safe.

Pastor Furtick explained such boundaries in this way. “When God sets parameters around your life, what He’s really doing is giving you permission to enjoy His promises within the principles of those parameters so you are not destroyed by the very thing that God intended to bless you with.”

The dog owner erected the fence in order for Fido to enjoy the outdoors and to protect him for being run over by a Mack truck. In the same manner, God created the Ten Commandments as a set of parameters to bless and safeguard believers.

A case in point is the seventh commandment. “You shall not commit adultery.” (Exodus 20:14) This law helps guard a marriage from the emotional issues caused by infidelity. It also protects the husband and the wife from contracting a venereal disease. Yes, being faithful cultivates a marriage that is protected and blessed by God. 

Additionally, divine nudges and the leading of the Holy Spirit often protect a believer from evil people as well as harmful situations that might otherwise be unseen. Such godly nudges and prods are gifts given for the safety and wellbeing of those who belong to Christ. 
Have a blessed day.

“The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.” — Psalm 16:6 (NIV)

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