Saturday, May 9, 2020

My Kind of Wanderlust

a country road and godwinks 😉

My guilty pleasure is best described as a kind of wanderlust. Day trips to unknown destinations. You just never know where I'll end up, especially when my camera is along for the ride.

That’s exactly what happened recently when I left the house and began driving inland toward central Florida without an agenda.

Once outside the city limits, the thoroughfare narrowed into a two-lane country road. Baby horses frolicking in a pasture inspired me to pull over and take this photo.

About 30 minutes into my drive, I came to a stop sign at an intersection in the middle of nowhere. I had one of three choices. Turn left and head toward Indiantown. Turn right and head to who knows where. Or continue on the two-lane road in front of me. The pavement directly ahead receded into a canopy of overlapping tree branches. Intrigued, I drove forward on what I would later learn is the Martin Grade Scenic Highway.

Further down the road, I spotted a wooden placard dangling above the entrance of a long driveway. A welcome sign for The Refuge Ranch.

At first, I wondered if the ranch was a sheltering place for rescued horses. An online search revealed that the property is actually a Christian-based facility for women recovering from addiction. A safe haven.

As I continued my drive on the canopied road, I caught a glimpse of three wooden crosses.

Unable to pull over at that precise moment, I spotted a dirt road up ahead. The word selah stenciled on the street sign made me do a double take. 

I turned onto that unpaved road, put my car in park, and let it idle as I sat still and pondered. Why all of a sudden was I coming across biblical things during this particular day trip? Was the hand of providence behind these sightings? 

While my brain absorbed these thoughts, a banner attached to a fence grabbed my attention. 

Printed on the banner was the name Gethsemane Ranch. A scripture from the book of Philippians was noted as well: 

“Press on to the high calling.” (Philippians 3:14)

Needless to say, I was overwhelmed to see in such a short timespan five things found in the Bible—refuge, crosses, selah, a scripture, and Gethsemane (the garden where Jesus was arrested before His crucifixion). I know those roadside fixtures were put in place by Christian people, perhaps for the enjoyment of passing travelers. 

For me, such things are not a coincidence but a godwink. An assurance that the Lord is always for me, with me and guiding me. Even in my wanderlust. 

Have a blessed day!

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