Monday, January 27, 2020

His Watchful Eyes

His eyes run to and fro.

Recently while visiting a zoo, I photographed this tiger staring intently in my direction. His laser-focused eyes had the power to put me in either a state of anxiety or a state of wonderment.

I chose the latter but recognized that if the powerful feline had not been on the other side of a fenced enclosure, my fear factor would have kicked in. Without that barrier, I might have been his next meal.

His pointed stare brought to mind how God keeps watch over me. Those of us who have chosen to follow Jesus are comforted in knowing that our heavenly Father always has His eyes on us.

When a Christian experiences life’s lighter moments, God delights in watching that person's joy. Likewise, when that same believer walks through tough times, the Lord is with her, guiding her every step.

Every person, whether a Christian or not, will encounter evil because we live in a fallen world. God did not create such wickedness, yet He will be with us whenever we go through hurtful and horrendous situations. Some of those circumstances are of our own doing, and some are the consequences of someone else’s sinful deed. No matter where the fault lies, the Holy Spirit will guide you toward being whole again.

The omnipresent Father is aware of all the good and bad that occurs in the universe and on earth. (Proverbs 15:3 NKJV) He knows everything that has happened to you. He knows exactly how each has affected you. And He knows exactly how to mend you from the inside out. He is your Healer.

Always remember that He loves you. You are the apple of His eye.

Have a blessed day!

“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.” - 2 Chronicles 16:9a (NKJV)

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