All writers need inspiration when trying to find their niche. A couple
days ago I asked for divine help on topics for my daily writing.
The Lord came through with flying colors, literally.
Yesterday, I became discouraged after searching online job boards, so I went
down by the lake for a quick workout. While walking at a brisk pace, I had an
emotional moment and needed to stop. I wanted to know about my future, what
else I could possibly do regarding my job search or my writing.
Old gnarled tree roots that had pushed their way up out of the ground
near the water’s edge looked inviting, so I sat on one. The cool breeze coming
off the lake prompted me to zip up my jacket. The sound of waves lapping at the
shoreline calmed me… somewhat. My gaze fell upon the expanse of lake before me.
As tears brimmed, all I wanted at that moment was to make sense of my
current situation.
My eye caught movement in my peripheral vision. A mallard and his mate paddled
toward me. They came searching for bread crumbs I did not have.
The answers I was searching for didn’t come either, so I got up and
resumed my trek. I had covered quite a distance when I stopped at a cove. A
swan skimming slowly across the surface of the water added serenity to the
scenic view.
Answers. Where were the answers I so desperately wanted?
I usually find such guidance when I feel closer to God, and I usually
get there by first listening to worship music. So, I inserted
my earbuds and raised my face toward the warmth of the sun. My soul found
peace 15 minutes later even though I still had no answers. I turned off the music
and headed home.
The sound of small birds flitting about in some bushes caught my
attention. I paused and remembered the scripture about God taking care of these
creatures. Even though birds don’t sow, reap, or store food in barns, God feeds
them. (Matt 6:26).
I asked myself a question that sounded a lot like the one at the end of that
scripture: Doesn’t God promise to take care of me just like He does those
Yes, He does. There was a definite spring in my step as I continued onward.
And then it happened. Fodder for my writing that day.
As I approached the old Filter House, I heard squawking in the treetops
and stopped to observe.
Could it be?
I read about a colony of these winged creatures living at White Rock
Lake and always wondered if it was an urban legend. Yet, here they were in all their green,
beautiful splendor. Monk parakeets!
Out came my iPhone. Click, click, click. I had real proof I’d seen them.
Who would have ever thought of birds? The writing material I had been
hunting for came in the form of the avian species. A duck and his mate. A swan.
Small birds in bushes. Wild parakeets.
Not only will God take care of me as he does these feathered friends,
but I believe He also provided them as my first writing topic after I asked Him for daily themes.
Now that’s something to write about.
Therefore I say
to you, do not worry about your life…. Look at the
birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your
heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? (Matthew
I love it, love it, love it. Thanks again Mary for allowing the Lord to speak through you concerning His care for you and me.
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